Das erste internationale

Expertensymposium im 3D Bereich.

3D-Symposium 2012 3D-Festival 2011
What do children expect from 3D?
Dr. phil. Maya Götz

“Sometimes you think that something is falling directly on you then you have to duck.”
(boy, 12)

Showing films in 3D, made for children, is a must for today’s cinemas.

What do young viewers expect from the technology? And even more important: Will the films meet their expectation? What makes a film meaningful for children or teens?

The results of the first studies about the evaluation of children and pre-teens regarding 3D-technology will be presented. In a study, 6- to 17-year-olds and their parents were interviewed before and after watching a movie in 3D (Hugo Cabret/John Carter). The results: The children highly expect to have an intense experience by watching the movie – not always, but sometimes the expectations are met.

Curriculum Vitae

Maya Götz, Ph.D. phil., is the head of the Internationalen Zentralinstituts für das Jugend- und Bildungsfernsehen (IZI) of Bayerischen Rundfunk. She studied lectureship at the PH Kiel – as well as a Master in pedagogy. She graduated in 1998 at Gesamthochschule Kassel with a dissertation about „Girls and Television“.

Her sciences focus on „Children/Teens and Television“. She is doing empirical studies about Teletubbies, Daily Soaps, fantasies of children and Television, Journalism with Teens for Teens, Television personalities. Furthermore she works and publishes in the field of gender studies. She is the leading editor of the expert magazine „TelevIZIon“.