Das erste internationale

Expertensymposium im 3D Bereich.

3D-Symposium 2012 3D-Festival 2011
Presentor of the discussion
Prof. Dr. Michael Zerr

Since 2007, Michael Zerr is a Professor for Interactive Management Theory
and since 2009 he is the president of “Karlshochschule” International
University Karlsruhe.
Previously he has been a Manager of “vm-people”, a company specialized
on viral marketing, social media and transmedia storytelling based in Berlin,
furthermore he was the founder of “Yello Strom” (A german renowned
electricity company, “electricity is yellow”), corporate developer, change agent
and Rule Breaker at EnBW, Assistant of the Chief of State chancellery of
Baden- Wuertemberg as well as Head of a building law agency.