Das erste internationale

Expertensymposium im 3D Bereich.

3D-Symposium 2012 3D-Festival 2011

Lifecycle Engineering Solutions Center

The LESC is a novel researching facility at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) for interdisciplinary co-operation between internal and external research institutions as well as for the exchange of knowledge and transfer of technology into the economy and society. In the LESC many different types of scaleable and flexible development environments are available. As a part of the Product Lifecycle Management and Virtual Engineering, everything starting from a single workplace all the way up to a grand projection for innovative engineering solutions can be used.

As a center for modern Virtual Reality technololgies the LESC wants to contribute to creating an awareness for new trends and paradigm changes in different faculties.

From a neutral position, the LESC offers the whole spectrum of scientific services – everything from the initial idea to its implementation. The LESC serves as a development and testing platform and allows start-ups and KMUs in particular to gain access to modern infrastructure. Based on these activities the LESC is a meeting point for „Science meets Industry“ and a place for conferences, exhibitions, seminars, as well as cluster- and networking-activities.

As an internationally visible place-to-go for all topics in the cosmos of Lifecycle Engineering the LESC technologies and processes are combined with a creative environment. Through the virtual surrounding innovative solutions can be cooperatively designed from the first idea up to the marketability and comprehensivly accompanied beyond that.
